One of the options for stopping him? An impromptu round of "Wannabe"!

In one weekend event on a multiplayer round, if one of the players is romancing Liam, he can approach one of their friends for dating advice.If they select the latter, he bestows it on them "with a wave of his magic wang". One potential cafeteria event with the Interdimensional Prince involved him granting the player either the power of telepathy or "an ass that won't quit".Vera and Scott's Who's on First? event during lunch, wherein Scott repeatedly fails to understand Vera's answer to his question re: what she's drinking - it's scotch.and then immediately draws a gun out of nowhere and shoots the player in the leg. If they pass the stat check, Liam agrees that it's a great idea. The player can suggest that he watch someone he loves die or almost die and be fueled by his anger and grief. In Damien's Stylist route, at one point, he will tell the player that he's been plateauing in his development as a beautician, and ask them how he may be able to motivate himself to start improving again.Either you suggest that they horde all the food, causing everyone to fight over the hoarded resources, or you suggest that Polly can just flash the cafeteria and let them fight over her (with Damien giving a shout of "TO THE VICTOR GOES THE SPOILS!"). During one lunch event, Polly and Damien are plotting to start a food fight in the cafeteria.In an event, you can break into the Coven's house to steal an item, which you find in a box of sex toys, which nature you try to immediately forget.When the coven calls the player and Vera horrible people, even the Narrator has to agree.When Liam mentions that a time machine would end up being just a clock taped to a toaster, the player thinks it's a genius idea and writes in their million bucks notebook.Polly's strategy to distract a teacher is called "Party Hurricane", which includes house fires and striptease.In one event while you're sleeping, Damien and Polly will show up, though you'll complain that they aren't naked like they usually are in your dreams.

Especially in regards to the meta humor and the theory that tentacle porn comes from the krakens that rule over studios.